Well…I admit defeat: This blog is dead. I highly admire all those London bloggers who manage to keep writing great stuff in regular intervals. I don’t have the time. Hence I shouldn’t blog. Who needs another London blog anyways when there are so many other excellent examples? My personal top three are: diamond geezer IanVisits […]
Entries Categorized as 'General @en'
Hello 2012, Goodbye Blog
January 2, 2012
Happy 2011
January 1, 2011
Yes, I know: After a long hiatus, this blog seemed dead. But trust me, it isn’t. Anyways, the new year has started, and new years are an opportunity to do things differently. Well, actually every day is an opportunity to do that, but you have to start somewhere, do you not? [simage=298,200,y,right]Here is the change: […]
Car Clubs and an Accident
February 13, 2010
Like many Central Londoners, I don’t have a car. Living in Zone 1 means that I can walk or cycle to most of my destinations, and when it is too far or too inconvenient, there is always public transport. So my Bankside parking lot, which I could claim without charge if I had a car, […]
commonliner’s Cream Tea Chronicles
January 10, 2010
Cream Tea, be it Devonshire, Cornish or other, is a fantastic British tradition to enjoy: a nice tea, hopefully home-baked scones, delicious clotted cream, and some jam – the perfect recipe for a relaxed Sunday afternoon. I savoured my first cream tea at the age of sixteen and was instantly hooked on this sweet delight, […]
January 8, 2010
Now that I have sort of re-launched my blog, I thought it is time to enliven it with new features: welcome to my first non-regular themed article series. commoncoffee will report on the coffee culture in London and feature the good and bad of London’s coffee-making scene. Because I like my coffee, though I admit […]
January 1, 2010
Here we go: I am now blogging in English. Look at the language selector! This blog is about anecdotal ramblings on life in London and occasionally beyond. Restaurants, pubs, shows, concerts, fireworks, walks, events, whatever. London has so much to offer. And as I am now celebrating five years in London, I thought this would be […]