Happy 2011

Date January 1, 2011 | Map

Yes, I know: After a long hiatus, this blog seemed dead. But trust me, it isn’t.

Anyways, the new year has started, and new years are an opportunity to do things differently. Well, actually every day is an opportunity to do that, but you have to start somewhere, do you not?

[simage=298,200,y,right]Here is the change: Life documentary doesn’t work for me. Nor does daily blogging. Nor a-few-times-per-week blogging. Nor weekly blogging. However, I find this blog useful for myself, as there are a few nice tips on how to enjoy London here and there, which is probably the blog’s main value. Thus, I will be stripping out all the semi-personal anecdotes and concentrate on compiling thematic tips, roughly once per month to keep it manageable.

Having lived in London for six years, I think I have developed a solid understanding of how this micro-cosmos works and where to find the occasional gem. There are people with vastly more experience who can write much better than me, and who have much more time on their hands, so I’ll leave it to them to document London life and provide current event tips. I instead will compile personal selections of what I think covers a particular theme or topic well from my viewpoint, and I will do that in a top five or best of format. This will be based on things I have done myself, so it won’t be a complete selection, but after six London years, I have enough material to keep me going for many months.

A very happy 2011!

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